women faculty

Are you a professor and struggling with anxiety?

Worried that you won't make it?

Then you're in the right place

I help women faculty thrive in academia

The Career Accelerator

So you got your PhD, but the path ahead is uncertain. In fact, the odds are stacked against you. The probability of a freshly minted woman faculty getting tenure is 55% less likely than her male cohort. 

The typical advice is to increase productivity by developing skills. Writing skills, presentations skills, teaching skills, research skills, networking skills. Workshop after workshop, and you feel even more overwhelmed and projects are still not moving forward. 

I have a solution for you that will change everything

I will teach you an incredibly effective method that will completely transform your career trajectory. My formula can help navigate the maze of an academic career so you can be sure to emerge with a career and life you love.

So many women professors are telling me...

Academic career is lonely and isolating

They lack mentors and support network

They want to hide after manuscript rejections

They feel stuck and overwhelmed

Tenure clock is ticking down but they are not making progress

They are at the mercy of their students for their teaching evaluations

Their careers are at the mercy of department politics

They are constantly eaten up by guilt about work when with their family and about family when at work


taking control is everything

I will show you how to take control of the chaos. 

I will teach you how to calm the anxiety. 

I will teach you how to create extra time. 

I will teach you how to use rejections as fuel for your progress.  

I will teach how to take control of your career and life.

This solution is right for you if...

You want to make progress on your research projects

You want to publish and get tenure

You want to crack student evaluations

You want control over your stress and overwhelm

You want peace and joy every day  

You want to enjoy your work and spend time with your family without any guilt

You want to get over all your self doubt and confusion and be very clear about your path ahead

You want to improve your mental and emotional wellness

Come join our free group where I teach this solution:

Supportive community of tenure-track women

Weekly mini-workshops on key career issues

Tenure-related Q&A

Group coaching sessions


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